We love receiving pictures from our puppy families. Enjoy browsing our collection of puppies born and raised here at JARS Labradoodles.
From the beginning he was patient, professional and very knowledgeable about puppies. As a first-time dog owner, I felt very comfortable with Justin and I trust him completely. Although I found closer and cheaper options, I chose to go with JARS Labradoodles and I don't regret it at all.
Since I live in DC and he's in OH, we agreed to meet halfway in Pittsburgh, PA. Due to circumstances outside either of our control, a friend of his had to fly Lido out on a private plane to meet me outside Pittsburgh. The entire interaction was smooth and I could tell that Lido was very well taken care of - he enjoyed the plane ride and apparently slept throughout the entire trip.
I've had Lido for about 8 months now and I could not be happier. He is very healthy, has a great disposition and everyone loves him. He is great with other dogs, gentle with children and always ready to relax or play. I've honestly never encountered such a good dog (and I'm not just saying that because he's my puppy) - people tell me all the time that he is a very special dog and I attribute that to his upbringing with Justin.
Chris - Washington, D.C.
Canela loves this picture. Thanks for the amazing puppy! At 12 weeks she could already: fetch, sit, shake, lie down, high five, jump, and wait for a treat placed in front of her. Now we just need more ideas for tricks! Also, she loves car rides, showers, baths, and all other animals and people. We couldn't be happier! –E
We cannot thank you enough for all your time you put in with Rudy before we took him home! His transition was great! We love him dearly! He's just growing like a weed.